Product updates #5

april 12, 2021

Our team has completed a major development phase in preparation for integration with the Dubai digital ecosystem. The NOVA Realty prototype was also upgraded, which improved the visual perception of the service and gave additional options for adding and using new development tools.


  • Update and transfer of the NOVA Realty prototype to the new software engine.

  • Infrastructure modernization improves security by using native tools on the Google Cloud Platform.

  • Adapting the data processing architecture to the requirements presented by the Dubai partners.

  • The digital infrastructure of the Dubai specifications and technical requirements research.

  • Researching integration with the digital infrastructure of Dubai and updating the business requirements for the NOVA Realty system.

  • Optimization of the processing and storage of the CityGML data.

  • In the Research component, updated space planning templates to improve the accuracy of generative design tools.

  • In the Terminal component, the transaction with escrow service pipeline using has been improved by expanding the list of providers.

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